1) It’s normally made of metal
2) You find it in houses, schools, hospitals and offices
3) It works with hot water
4) It has a series of pipes or tubes
5) You wouldn’t need this in a heatwave!
6) It transfers heat from a liquid inside to an area outside
1) I’ve got one
2) My girlfriend hasn’t got one
3) I don’t always have one
4) My young son hasn’t got one
5) Sometimes it’s long and sometimes it’s short
6) I’m lazy – sometimes I don’t trim it for days!
1) In Asia it represents mourning and death
2) It can be as wide as it is tall
3) It seems to be very sad
4) It is often found near water
5) It soaks up moisture like a sponge
6) When young, it can grow more than 2 metres in a year
1) It’s much smaller than your hand
2) It can normally fly but doesn’t often
3) There are around 350,000 species
4) Maybe “When I’m 64” is its favourite song!
5) It can be a plant feeder, scavenger, predator or parasite
6) The ladybird is a popular one
1) We’re getting wet, my love!
2) It’s an animal
3) It lives in cold northern climes
4) It’s also called a caribou
5) Both males and females grow antlers
6) Santa’s helper has a red nose…
1) It originated in 16th century Scotland
2) You have to be strong to do it
3) It’s an Olympic sport
4) The stones are made from rare granite
5) The stones move in an arc shape on the ice
6) The sport’s biggest scandal was called “Broomgate”
❤️ 1) You have to Find a Word with the help of 6 clues
🧡 2) Make a guess based on Clue 1
💛 3) If you get it right, AMAZING! You are a Raving RED Fundler!
💚 4) If not, keep getting clues and making guesses
💙 5) If you have no idea after a certain clue, just type anything and carry on
💜 6) You WIN if you find the word before you run out of clues!
Share your Daily Fundle results with your friends and see who’s the Fundliest Frog of all…
Fundle was croaked up by honorary Froggie, Sab Will, Paris photo chronicler, perturbing poet, distressed artist, wily word-warper and consummate consumer of far too many croissants and pains au chocolat to wag a baguette at, so there’s that.
❤️ Fundle (noun) ~ a word deduction game involving clues, colours… & frogs 🐸
🧡 Daily Fundle (noun) ~ a diurnal occurrence of said word game
💛 fundle (verb) ~ to attempt to resolve a fundle
💚 fundler (noun) ~ a person who attempts to resolve fundles
💙 fundIlator (noun) ~ someone who puts off important tasks in favour of fundling
💜 fundlebate (verb) ~ complain peevishly about the clues whereas, in fact, they’re all perfect…
🖤 Fundledun (noun) ~ the euphoric, near-mystical state attained by finding the day’s Fundle
P.S. Fundle isn’t really a word, but then again, what are words, really? To be continued…
P.P.S. No fundles (or frogs) were harmed in the hammering together of this website.
You can contribute anything you like to this purely homegrown enterprise!
❤️ 1) Take part in the fun Fundle Facebook Group
🧡 2) Submit an original Fundle for potential publication*
💛 3) Send me messages of encouragement, admiration, devotion, etc.
💚 4) Donations would be greatly appreciated ~ these labours of love take time!
💙 5) Advertisers can, well, y’know, advertise ~ contact me if you’re interested.
💜 6) A coffee, croissant & chat the next time you’re in Paris would also be cool!
So, you see, that’s howwhenwhywherewhat, and what do you mean, that’s not a word? That’s always been a word…
*Just to keep things simple, you waive ALL rights to it, forever. But I’ll include your Name, Country, Photo & Link if you like.